S&M - SMTrampling - Foot Fetish
Mann im beigen Mantel in Ledermütze und Gasmaske Portrait


The English term Strap-On describes a dildo, which is strapped by means of a belt. Such a strap-on dildo can be used in principle in all partner constellations. Traditionally, however, a strap-on is used by women to penetrate the male or female sex partners. In women, penetration can be both vaginal and anal. A strap-on can be attached to the waist of the active partner using a strap or belt. However, there are also special strap-on dildos that allow attachment to other parts of the body. For example, strap-ons can also be attached to the head, which allows a whole range of other sexual gimmicks. These straps are usually made of latex, leather or similar materials. As far as the construction of strap-on dildos is concerned, there are sometimes big differences between the models. Many models are limited to a dildo or vibrator attached to the front of the belt. With these strap-on dildo only the penetration of the passive partner is possible. However, both parts can experience desire. Certain Strap-Ons have beside an outward directed dildo however additionally an inward pointing dildo or vibrator. In this way both partners are penetrated with the use of the sex toy. Double-sided strap-on dildo are therefore a good means to prepare both partner parts equally desire. Depending on the design of the inward directed dildos, they can be inserted vaginal or anal. While many strap-ons cover the crotch, there are also models with an opening at the crotch. There are also strap-ons that leave the anus free. In this way it is possible to stimulate the wearer of the strap-on in different ways. This stimulation can be done with various sex toys as well as directly by the respective partner. Strap-on dildos are also suitable for men with erectile dysfunction. There are special constructions which allow to insert the penis into a hole integrated in the dildo. In this way it is possible to penetrate the partner with the dildo, whereby the impacts are felt directly at the penis. This enables an intimate experience, which would not be possible without Strap-On. Strap-on dildos can be bought in various materials. Frequently used are acrylic glass, natural latex, stainless steel, aluminium and silicone. For hygienic reasons, strap-ons should be thoroughly cleaned after use, regardless of the material. It is also recommended to put a condom over the dildos during use. This is because the possible long-term consequences of regular use of strap-ons have not yet been fully clarified for all materials used.