Strap-OnEdgeplay, Edge Play
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Trampling - Foot Fetish

Describes a special form of foot fetishism in which a mostly male bottom can be run over the body by a female top, more rarely by a male top. Roughly two predominant variants can be distinguished. However, there are so many different, individual nuances that make trampling an erotic stimulus that it is almost impossible to list them all. With the pure foot fetishist, even a light walk over the body can increase pleasure. In this variant, the act is usually barefoot. The aim of the steps can be the upper body, the breast, the genital area or the face (face trampling) and in some rare cases the neck. It is possible that additional criteria have to be fulfilled in order to achieve sexual arousal in some people with this preference. This can be an additional fetish, such as the wearing of certain clothes (guilt-girl uniform) by the person running over the body or the posture of the feet when walking. As with most practices, countless variations are possible. A slightly more extreme variant is associated with a desire pain. Therefore Trampling can be practiced also in connection with sadomasochistic practices. Here the act is usually carried out by the active person with the shoes. Some even prefer High Heels and demand from the partner firm, pain-causing steps on the body. Here the literal translation of trampling, the trampling on the body causes the sexual excitement. There are some theories, but no proven scientific knowledge, for the development of this sexual tendency. One theory emphasizes the fact that feet and genitals, as adjacent zones of the body, are also adjacent zones in the somatosensory cortex of the brain, possibly causing neuronal overlap. Another hypothesis is that in many cultures a child can crawl around the mother's feet in danger. If this is accompanied by sexual behaviour, feet can always be the primary target of sexual arousal in the future. Some scientists also point out that, from certain angles, a foot is clearly phallic in shape and can repeat either the shape of the male genitals or the curves of the female body. While foot fetishism is very widespread in its innumerable forms, the special variety of trampling is rather a rare form. It should be noted, however, that hardly anyone who is sexually aroused by this practice is restricted to this technique in their sexual activities. Just as foot fetishists can also find other body parts attractive, the "trampled" can also be quite flexible in what excites him.